Smart Home, Is it Really Feasible?

Remember all those science fiction movies where everything is automated. Well, people are already trying to live the future now but as you move towards a fully automated home, some things begin to get wild and crazy like the smart fridge Samsung showed at CES and a $250 smart dustbin that opens when you talk to it.
But is it all necessary? What would your utility and internet bills look like when almost everything is automated? Let's delve into the whole smart home idea.
Infusing technology into the security is probably the smartest thing manufacturers could have ever done. These days, modern locks are accompanied by apps which can allow you to lock your rooms remotely or open them without manually unlocking them.
The security cameras come with their phone applications which can show who’s at the door to the owner. The beauty of these apps is that there’s cross sharing between platforms which is great for moderate family size. The applications can also be activated by voice if they come with Google Assistant or Alexa inbuilt storage which is great.
There’s truly nothing more annoying than getting comfortable in bed than having to get up and turn the lights off. Smart LED’s have developed to a point where your phone can basically switch it on or off, determine the brightness and a few others can change colour as well.
Smart Air conditioners also share in these new features. Imagine wanting your side of your blanket cool and your spouse wants it warm. Well, Smart Duvet which can not only determine your blanket temperature from an app but can also offer both sides different temperatures. All this without moving a finger out of bed.
Ever heard of a mirror that could play music, was touch screen enabled to help you reply to your messages and could even let you pick calls with wet hands. Well, Evervue gives you all this in the MirrorVue. If you are wondering what sort of technology can be infused into washrooms then you can stop now.
Most smart water closets now come with a USB port for charging your phones, can clean themselves and a few ones can also play music. Recently, Bill Gates has been involving himself in research on washrooms and some of the results include a washroom that powers itself by degrading the waste and turning it into energy. Amazing isn’t it?
It's every family’s dream to have a smart kitchen so mum works less and children to work less. Both Google and Amazon have launched the Google Home and Amazon Echo to help mums in the kitchen. These devices can play music, receive video calls and also play Youtube videos.
A graceful addition to the kitchen At CES, Samsung unveiled a smart Fridge which had Bixby inbuilt and could also take pictures of its content which is helpful when you go shopping and you want to check if you got everything. It also had a screen where sticky notes could be placed. A smart dustbin has also been introduced which is voiced activated. It doesn’t seem like much but if your hands have ever been sull whiles trying to put something in the trash then you’ll understand the need. A subtle yet very needed introduction.
In the days of old, kids gather in the living room to watch DSTV and other channels. The youth have moved to stream services such as Netflix, Hulu and others. Manufacturers now build smart TV’s which have all these apps built into them. Some android TV’s can even play games. Some audio systems also have integrated 3D services which work to give a sort 3D experience A truly mesmerizing experience when coupled with smart LED’s and Smart AC’s
Our lives keep getting simpler and simpler thanks to technology. Your WIFI and electricity bills might be on the high end not also forgetting that these devices are pricier than their traditional peers. You don’t need everything but a few additions could make you feel at home.

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